Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching (CCT Routing and Switching)
Cisco’s Supporting Cisco Taking & Switching Network Devices RSTECH certification is an essential step for anyone aiming to become a talented technician in the field. This certification focuses on deployment professionals with the skills needed for onsite support and Keeping of Cisco routers, switches, and their operating environments.
To earn this certification, candidates must pass the exam using 100-490 dumps, which lasts for 90 minutes. It’s available in English and Japanese and costs $125 USD, plus tax, or can be paid for using Cisco Learning Credits.
The exam covers a range of topics vital for technicians, including identifying Cisco router and switch models, understanding accessories, cabling, and interfaces, as well as being adept with the Cisco IOS software operating modes. Familiarity with commonly found software and ability in using the Cisco Command Line Interface (CLI) are also crucial skills tested in the exam.
Exam Outline and Preparation
Preparation for the exam is key, and candidates can take advantage of resources such as online, self-paced courses and exam preparation materials offered by us with the help of the Cisco Learning Network Store. Additionally, official Cisco training in Supporting Cisco Routing & Switching Network Devices (RSTECH) is available to ensure candidates are well-equipped for success.
Exam scheduling is flexible, with options for both in-person and online testing. In-person exams are conducted at secure and convenient locations, while online exams offer the flexibility to test anytime and anywhere within a highly secure environment.
Upon successfully passing the exam using our 100490 pdf dumps, candidates earn the Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching (CCT Routing and Switching) certification, validating their expertise in supporting and maintaining Cisco network devices.
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The practice exams on certswarrior.com challenged me in the best way possible. Tremendous value for the money!